Monday, December 1, 2014

Hip Dominant Exercises - Part 1 of 3

Phase 1 (Activation & Neuromuscular Adaptation)

With the unhealthy rise of inactivity and occupations that promote sitting 8 hours a day, trainers like myself see the same constant issue. Some of you might have heard of it as "gluteal amnesia", the name speaks for itself. The hip flexors are under constant tension while the glutes sit on the chair inhibited. This causes a number of issues ranging from back pain and much lower than optimal athletic performance, to poor movement patterns throughout the day.. like swinging your entire body just to get enough momentum to stand up from a chair.

From working with combat athletes, whose sport is very hip dominant, from takedowns and sprawls, to punches, kicks, and knees, to the general population which lacks basic movement efficiency, I have developed a basic template. The goal of these videos is to provide you with a small library of exercises, starting from the bare fundamentals of attaining movement efficiency, to building strength, and finally moving onto more complex movements producing more power and explosiveness.

Here are just some of the benefits of the program:
  • Effective in improving posterior core musculature
  • Critical in increasing performance
  • Efficient movement patterns
  • Balance and Stability
  • Fix the weak link
  • Prevent back pain
  • Prevent neuromuscular problems
  • Increase in strength and power
  • Increase in flexibility
  • Hypertrophy and aesthetic appearance 
Play The Video Shown Below 

Phase 1 Goals - Activate the underactive muscles, challenge the core stabilization systems, increase hip mobility, and improve muscular endurance, neuromuscular effectiveness, and movement patterns.

Supplemental Exercises

SMR (Self Myofascial Release) and Stretch Commonly Overactive Muscles
-Adductor Stretch
-TFL and Vastus Lateralis SMR 
-Hip Flexor Stretch 
-Abdominal Stretch 
-Calf Stretch. 

Intrinsic Core Stabilizing Exercises
-Pallof Press
-Cable Oblique Twist
-Plank Variations
-Swiss Ball Plank
-Back Extensions

Key Points to Remember

  1. Creating a progressive exercise regimen is critical, whether it is dealing with postural issues of the general population or the performance of professional athletes. 
  2. Stretch and Roll overactive muscles, activate and challenge the underactive muscles.
  3. Use the hip exercise continuum as a source and template, however, prescribe exercise to the needs and goals of each client. 
  4. ALWAYS important to assess the client to determine which exercises are appropriate and which exercises will be used as progressions. 
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Friday, November 28, 2014

A Much Needed Thank You Shout Out

Sam, thank you for being an amazing girlfriend, you are always there for me even when I feel like I can get through it on my own. You have aided me in pushing through challenges I fear, ones I look forward to now.

Mary, you have inspired me with your hard work and progress. Your dedication makes me love what I do, and makes me want to do it that much more.

Ryan Kroll, thank you for coming to me out of all of the trainers out there and trusting in me with your goals. We are on the path to something great my friend, and your progress shows day in and day out.

Paul Reed, you are a wise man for choosing one of the top strikers in CT… Joking aside, we have a long and rewarding road ahead of us brother. You learn quick and hit hard, you’re focused 100% of the time, and that’s what sets you apart. It reminds me to be in the moment.

Whether you know it or not, you are all helping me become a better version of myself. Sometimes the lessons we learn are indirectly from those who came to us for help. 

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Tuesday, November 18, 2014

5 Things You Should Know Before Fighting

Let me preface this article by saying, no matter what hoops you have to jump through to fight, it shouldn't matter what they are. If you are someone who already loves the world of combat sports and training, this is just information for you to know so that you are prepared. If it's something that sounds like too much of a pain to even bother, well... you probably don't love the sport enough to do it anyways.

No matter what the profession or hobby, counting the days and obstacles you have to overcome is a giant mistake. To become a doctor you are in school from 8 to 12 years, but the number should not matter, everything worth having in life takes hard work and time. With that said, enjoy the journey day by day, smile with every achievement and laugh through every obstacle. I hope these five points will help you get better prepared for your fight, and take the stress away of not feeling ready, inadequate, or in doing everything last minute.

1. Physicals

In my opinion the biggest nightmare a fighter must go through. You have trained for this one fight, day in and day out, ate like a lean beast, got the match up, but now you are expected to pay out of pocket to get medical work done. Every state is different, make sure to check with both your promoter and sanctioning body what is needed and if anything will be covered. The two states I am familiar with are New York and New Jersey.

New York - Physical needed to fight no matter what level. Blood work for Hep B, Hep C, and HIV is needed for all fighters competing without gear and elbows within 180 days of the event, whether it is an amateur or professional bout. This is specific to the WKA sanctioning body, I believe the USMTA let's you fight without any need for physicals.

New Jersey - NJSACB is considered to be one of the most strict, as well as most effective commissions in the US. NJSACB requires all amateur fighters to have a physical and blood work done for Hep B, Hep C, and HIV, all of which have to be negative within 180 days of the event. Females must obtain a pelvic exam and pregnancy test from an OBGYN. "A" class fighters, fighting with no gear or with elbows must obtain a dilated eye exam, CAT scan, and EKG in addition to the exams listed above.

2. Weight Cut

To some this might be the worst part of preparing for a fight, sometimes even an excuse not to fight. With 24 hour weigh ins just about everyone cuts weight to fight, whether it is 5 lbs or 20 lbs within 24 hours. To make the weight cutting process bearable, I suggest to hold yourself accountable and lose as much weight as possible prior to the 24 hour period, that way you dehydrate yourself as little as possible. I care for your longevity, so do yourself a favor and do it in the safest way possible. With that said, be ready to say no to your friends, ALOT. They won't understand that you have to go to bed early to recover for another hard session the next morning, they don't understand you can't drink and put on bitch tits to match theirs. I have eliminated any negative people that don't understand my vision. I am an athlete which means I must train and eat like my life depends on it, because in combat sports.....hold on, in life in general this holds true.  

3. Make Sacrifices

Just be ready, you will disappoint someone at some point, especially if you're doing things right. You will sacrifice time with your friends, family, with school, and with work. This happens with anyone who is driven, anyone who has a goal that they want to accomplish
      anything that is worth achieving takes time and hard work!

If you were to make everyone happy all of the time, every time, you would lose yourself, and when that happens, you lose those people as well anyways. So my conclusion to this is that you should do everything you can to be the best version of yourself, the right people will hop on that train with you and support you, the bottom-feeders will just grab at your ankles and make comments like "But this won't pay your bills so why are you doing it?" You don't need to answer that question, the picture of you getting your hand raised is worth a thousand and a half words, and that gold around your waist is worth more than their imbalanced body rocking out of their expensively leased car.

4.  Cancellations

There is an overabundance of people who "just want to fight". Those are usually the people who will post about it all over Facebook, tell their friends they are a fighter, and one week out, drop out of the fight with a bullshit excuse. Not to say there are no serious reasons why a fight gets canceled, the fighter might have suffered an injury during camp, a concussion which could be very serious if not assessed, and of course a positive test when it comes to blood work or a pregnancy test...Yikes.

5. Intensity aka Hard Fucking Work and Mental Toughness

I wish I can tell you it gets easier, the more you fight and the more you know the harder it gets. Once you reach a certain level things don't come as quickly, it's fine tuning small things that take a lot of effort to make the next adaptation as a fighter. It it a game of a fraction of a fraction of an inch. If you have stuck to it long enough, you notice everyone has the same skills, and that they're all strong and athletic for the most part, so what makes one fighter better than another? A million of reasons, better timing, better than good technique, better than great conditioning, a stronger will, someone who doesn't take time off between fights, someone who is on the clock while you are on the couch.


It all comes down to mental toughness and how bad you want it. Don't worry! 
You may feel like you don't have what it takes, but it is not until you are in that fight or flight moment, where you break out of your shell. Toughness can be learned, mine was beaten out of me in a garage from the first day I ever began training for example.

Losers Quit When They Fail
Winners Fail Until They Succeed

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Thursday, November 6, 2014

Trinity Kickboxing 2: Have Heart

If you have been following our blog, you know I have been preparing for my 2nd fight. Now, it has been a little over one week since I fought at Trinity Kickboxing Championship 2 in Rahway New Jersey, and I am here to tell you all about it.

After returning from Thailand I was feeling more ready than ever to step into the ring. I knew that my technique had improved and my drive had heightened, but most importantly I could feel my mental state in the perfect place.

          Camp and Weight Cut...

My fight camp was much more laid back than I had anticipated it would be. Between working full time, and making time for my family, finding hours to spend at the gym and training was impossible. I found myself training Muay Thai 3 times a week and hitting the gym maybe 2 times a week if I was lucky. I really started to realize the importance of quality over quantity. I am lucky enough to have amazing trainers who give me the freedom to adjust my own camp based on my needs and weaknesses. For this fight I really wanted to focus on pacing myself, using the ring, and harnessing aggression. With that goal in mind, I spent most of my time sparring and working on tactical approaches, while still getting technical work in as well.
          Making weight for this fight was much tougher than had hoped it would be. I normally walk around at about 145-147lbs, and for this fight I had to cut down to 130lbs (I normally fight at 135lbs). Luckily for me, I shed roughly 10lbs while training in Thailand. With two weeks left until the fight I had about 6lbs to lose, no sweat right? Wrong, my weight cut came down to the wire... For more elaboration on my weight cut check out our previous posts!
          24 Hour Weight Cut and Weight Cut Struggles

          Day of Weigh Ins...

Finally the day of weigh ins has arrived! I woke up in the morning feeling nothing but excitement and focus. Paul and I headed over to my hairdresser Alicia's house to get my bright red locks cornrowed. It's funny, but it was not until I looked in the mirror when all was said and done, that I felt like I was actually going to be fighting. We had planned to go to the gym and spend some time cutting the last of my weight in the sauna before making the trip out to Jersey, but due to time constraints we headed straight to the gym to meet up with our trainer Ed Thornton and fellow fighter Tony. At this point I haven't had anything to eat or drink for upwards of 18 hours, yikes! We loaded up the car and got on the road to Rahway! A few hours and several tolls later, we arrived at our hotel.

          After a few grueling hours of last minute weight cutting, it was finally time to weigh in!! We headed over to the address we were given, come to find out its actually a bar! We all piled into the dark and crowded bar and waited for the weigh ins to begin. I will say, the one thing I love about the Muay Thai and Kickboxing community is how friendly and humble almost everyone is. While waiting for the actual weigh ins to start we got a chance to mingle with some  familiar faces, coaches, and fellow warriors, it was a good way to keep the mind off of the insatiable hunger I felt. At last, they called my name! Check out the clip of weigh ins. Sam and Christina Face Off . I chuckle every time I watch that clip. I am normally a very smiley and friendly person, but clearly the weight cut struggle had my mind in a whole new place...
          Time to refuel! As soon as Tony and I weighed in, we ran out of there to eat and drink, and become human again! We spent the night eating Pho (a Vietnamese soup) and drinking as much water as possible, of course there was some other foods and fruits and goodness thrown in there too. Finally feeling like a person again, I was more focused than ever.

          Fight Night

I woke up in the morning with a sense of peace.  I knew how it felt to get hit, kicked, kneed, swept, knocked out, and beaten down mentally, there was nothing I couldn't endure. I knew in my head and heart that whether I got my hand raised in the end or not, I had already won. If you can do something you love, push all your limits, and inspire people along the way, you have won much more than a fight.
          We stepped out to grab breakfast before heading over to the Recreation Center. We arrived just in time to wait in line for fighter physicals, my favorite... I was in and out of there in no time. As I walked around the venue, I imagined myself stepping out into the spotlight and onto the ring. I imagined hearing my walk out song play in echoing room. ( Sail- AWOLNATION ). I pictured the whole fight in my head time and time again from the beginning to the end, until it felt like I had done this 100 times.
          I felt calm, too calm to be fighting that night. I kept waiting for the anxiety, for the butterflies in my stomach to start fluttering, but it never happened. I knew I needed to do something to get myself amped up. Luckily for me, my team mate Tony was fighting his bout before mine. He went out there and went to war with his opponent! He lost by close  decision to a Jersey native after three tough rounds of battle. Knowing how hard he trained and how much he wanted that win gave me them last bit of motivation I needed. I was ready to take that win without question.
Finally it was my turn. I walked out with my trainers Ed Thornton and Paul Banasiak by my side. I focused on my song playing, and nothing else. I stepped up to the ring and saw all eyes on me, for the first time I felt my heart flutter. Per usual I enter the ring over the top rope, except this time I tripped and almost fell on my face (of course), luckily for me all the people with cameras somehow missed that gem of a moment! I took my time sealing the ring, just thinking about the feeling of the canvas under my feet, and the outcome of the fight...

          We tapped gloves, and it had started! Normally I am not a fighter who throws lots and lots of volume, I try to pick my combinations and pace myself. That was not the case for this fight, not at all. Through all three rounds Christina and I stood in the pocket and left it all in the ring. The first round caught me by surprise, I had not expected her to move forward so much, I knew I had to push back the last two rounds. My legs felt like bricks and throwing kicks was nearly impossible (definitely something to work on). Somewhere in that second round I reinjured my right pectoral muscle which I had previously injured in training a week or so before the fight. I relied on my jab to pull me through the rest of the fight. When that last bell rang, every person in that venue was cheering and screaming, I had never heard people so excited before. I knew we must have put on one hell of a show. Check out my fight video! Samantha vs Christina Trinity 130lbs

        As we stood side by side waiting to hear the results, I was nervous for the first time. I knew I had poured my heart into that ring, I had hoped it was enough. I fought against a tough girl, who was unafraid and wanted it just as bad as me. When they announced that I had won by unanimous decision ... I was so incredibly happy!! My first win!!

       I have the best boyfriend, trainer and best friend anyone could ask for. Paul is my partner in crime. We are more than a team in the ring, but we are a fantastic team on all fronts of our lives. He is my trainer that I love to hate. We push each other to succeed and better ourselves as individuals. I am more than lucky to have him by my side.
       I am lucky enough to be a part of the fight team at Thornton Martial Arts and Fitness in East Hartford CT. Ed and Lynda Thornton are two of the greatest people, trainers, mentors, and friends anyone could ask for. I could never thank them enough for all their sacrifice in making our dreams reality.
      I have amazing training and sparring partners who help push me, even when I feel like I've given up on myself.
      Without all of these people, I would have never made it this far.

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Saturday, October 25, 2014

Digging Deep - 24 Hour Weight Cut - Coach Edition

Sam has written her blog post on cutting weight in a short amount of time, but that was last week. Yesterday, the day of weigh ins things went a bit south. Cutting weight is a science, but as we all know, even calculated moves have room for error.

I will be writing a separate article on the specifics of cutting weight for a fight, or an athletic event where you are competing in a certain weight bracket. Today it's about the mental side, the heart, and the amount of commitment you just enlisted in. The science of energy in and energy out, macronutrients, water intake and systematically dehydrating in the safest way possible. That's my job as the coach, putting together a program and monitoring numbers to make sure when a fighter steps on the scale, it is on the dot, and that they are still standing of course.

 The job of the fighter is much more, they follow the program, but there is no amount of information that can teach commitment. 

The fighter has to tell his friends and family NO.. over and over again. That one cheat meal or that one practice you slacked during, it added up week after week. In the ring, they are putting their body on the line, their mental will, and their soul into what they do. Going with you to the bar or skipping practice to grab a pizza with only gets them closer to that chance for error. There's a chance the fighter is going to hit the canvas or go unconscious, so think about that the next time you are challenging your fighter friend about being "too strict or hard on themselves."

Sam was successfully able to drop from 148 to 137 pounds in a month's time. She said no to overeating, she said no to unproductive activities, when she trained and pushed through every ounce of pain. There were smiles, there were tears, there were fights, and there were celebrations of accomplishment. The 24 hour weight cut began...

The weigh ins were scheduled for 6:30 PM in Rahway, Jersey on October 24th. That means we cut out all water intake at 6:30 PM October 23rd. You have to find a happy medium when using exercise to sweat out water weight with restricted water intake. It has to be something that is mild enough to maintain performance and safety, but intense enough to bring up the heart rate and shed water. We utilized a tractor tire to move on for footwork, shadowboxing, and light padwork. Keeping Sam's focus sharp and on the fight ahead, instead of how uncomfortable and dry she felt.

The next morning Sam was right on track weighing 134 pounds. If we cranked up the heat in the car and had her spit on the 4 hour drive to Jersey she should be only a pound off right? This was successful with our other fighter Tony, but Sam was weighing the same 134 pounds six hours later. This is where digging deep comes into play. You have four hours to drop the last three pounds, you have a hotel room, jacking up the heart rate by running or exercising to sweat is now unsafe, and you have to start!

We did 10 minute intervals between a lava hot bath in the dark (if we turned the light on the fan would turn on getting rid of the steam and heat in the room) and wrapping Sam in blankets with Albolene covering her skin underneath (Make up remover to open up pores). This lasted for a total of three long hours.

So what makes a fighter? Is it the determination to go through countless hours of training? The will and power to tell others I can't do x,y, and z with you? The long hours spent in the kitchen cooking while others are emptying their wallets at the drive thru? It's all of those things, it's saying NO to failure, it is making your own decisions, when you are all alone with no one to push you, you dig deep inside yourself and say NO to quitting now, it's my fucking time to shine.

Sam was on the edge of breaking multiple times throughout the camp, working through injuries and aches, getting sick of the same bland food, and working through the stresses of everyday life. Going through those obstacles only proved to build resilience, she needed help standing up during the weight cut, but didn't complain a single time. The journey has been the reward, it is obvious to tell you she stepped on the scale making weight, you could see the fighter in her eyes during the face off, a blank stare, focused, and ready to present her art in the ring with violent intent. Play the video below:

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-Written by Paul Banasiak

Monday, October 20, 2014

"Yes I'm a fighter. Yes I am cutting weight.. No, I dont want to go to the bar with you..."

So you want to fight... you train hard, learn as much as you can, and mentally try to prepare yourself for war. Then that moment finally arrives when you learn that you have an opponent, everything changes. Fight camp begins! Now, you turn up the heat! You train harder, learn more, spar more, eat better... and start cutting weight....

For a lot of people cutting weight is hardly a big deal. Sure, they cut out a few calories here and there, do a little  more conditioning, and just like that the weight falls off. But for other people, like myself, a weight cut is mentally taxing and quite honestly a form of torture.

Let me begin with the fact that I am a very healthy eater. I mean that, I am not one of those people who thinks that eating a salad at McDonald's with a coke and side of fries is considered healthy. I am gluten free and dairy free (by choice), and my diet consists of an abundance of leafy greens, colorful veggies, fruits, minimal starches, seafood, some other lean meats, and some healthy fats thrown in there for good measure. I cook 95% of my own food rather than buying premade or restaurant food. I don't believe in drinking soda (although I do find myself craving ginger ale once in a blue moon), I consume as much water as possible each day, I minimize my coffee intake, and I only drink on rare occasions. Overall, I have this healthy eating thing down on lock. So here begins my torture....

Cutting weight would be easy if I ate complete garbage all the time, just cut out the crap and eat real food. Unfortunately that is not the case for me. It comes down to the little tiny details in all my daily activities.
          Am I expending more calories than I am consuming? Is my sodium intake too high? Have I had enough water today? Did I manage to get the right amount of vitamins needed? Did I burn enough calories during that workout, or do I need to go back to the gym later?
When my success comes down to the tiny details of every meal, snack, and workout, things seems to get a little crazy. I mean, come on, I am only human!

Now, lets add life to the mix. Throw in a full time job at a restaurant (FOOOOOD), training, spending time with family, being at the "Going to bars and restaurants is the only way to hang out with your friends" age, and (insert scholarly ambition here). Talk about a struggle!

So below I have listed some things that anyone struggling to cut weight can relate to (I hope I'm not alone out there), and hopefully friends and family will read this and know what not to do during your fighters weight cut!

1. 3 weeks out from a fight, there is no need to ask me how much I weigh every single day...

2. Unless you are a nutrition guru, I do not need your diet advice. I got this, thanks anyways. 

3. I don't want to hear how amazing your 5 course dinner and wine tasting was last night, spare me the heartbreak.

4. Save me the lecture on how ridiculous you feel it is that I have to cut weight to fight someone, the choice has been made.

5. Don't be the guy to say "Its ok, you can eat it, I won't tell",  because I have weak will power sometimes, and if I end up eating it...  I will hate you later for it.

6. Just because I carry around a water jug, does not mean I am a body builder, don't ask me how much I bench!

7. I am not anti social, I am busy chasing a dream people!

8. Every meal is like gold to me, don't tarnish my treasure by telling me how boring my food looks compared to your lunch.

9. I am hungry, irritable, and tired. The last thing I want to do is be designated driver to a rowdy group of drunk people.

10. Most importantly, keep the negativity far away from me! When its getting down to the wire, the worst things to hear are negative remarks.

If you love your fighter, be considerate of the circumstances, and be supportive!!

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Interview with "The Soul Assassin" Kevin Ross

This is common in almost every sport, you have a competitor that is known for his technique, his unbeaten record, or his unique and exciting style. Kevin Ross (29-8, 10KOs) is one everyone talks about in the world of Muay Thai. Despite his near perfect technique he doesn't play it safe, the way he fights is relentless and aggressive. Before the fight, during the fight, and even after, you learn that Kevin is the definition of a fighter. It is not a surprise many have been inspired by his work, not only do aspiring fighters respect his skill, but also his sportsmanship; he never underestimates his opponents and learns from every fight.

In this interview we talk about the feelings Kevin had before Lion Fight 15, his mental game, what he thinks of Muay Thai today, and gives some valuable information to aspiring fighters.

Once again keep in check as we will be posting weekly if not daily.

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-Written by Samantha Abrams and Paul Banasiak

Saturday, October 4, 2014

5 Reasons - Why you should fight in Thailand

During my stay in Thailand I was on a rollercoaster of emotions about fighting. First my technique was broken down to the point I thought I was starting over from the beginning, second I was not sure if I can compete with the Thais at their game. After speaking to various people and doing a lot of thinking, I have come up with a list of reasons why you should fight in Thailand.... no matter if you win or lose.

1. The quality of training that you get will be substantially better. When I announced to the trainers I am fighting, I was able to receive personal attention every day, pushed harder than normal, and spend more time with the trainers than those who were not competing. The trainers often make money by betting on you, so the better you are trained the more confident they will be with betting on you, it's a win-win.

2. You get paid. Fighting in the states, unless you are a professional, most often means you are paying to fight. In Thailand you will start getting payed around 3000 Baht for your first fight, and that number increases depending on how many fights you have and what kind of performance you put on. Also, if you are confident enough in yourself, you can bet on yourself.

3. It's an enlightening experience. It also could be a once in a lifetime chance to do it. Not many people have the time or finances to travel to Thailand every year, if the opportunity presents itself, take advantage of it. Being in that ring immerses you and enables you to have the full experience, the journey of training martial arts is all about testing yourself, the ultimate test takes place inside of the ring.

4. Win or Lose you will become a better fighter. You will understand the fight game more and from a different angle. Like I have written in my last couple blog posts, there are quite a few differences between fighting in the US and in Thailand. You will most likely face a difference challenge against an opponent with a different style. You WILL leave a better fighter whether you win or lose.

5. The whole experience is very relaxed, and most important of all...FUN. As some Thais fight on a weekly basis, it's just another part of their routine. The build up to the fight is almost non existent, the promotions take their time with setting everything up and the Wai Kru before every fight is not only beautiful, it is a time to calm your mind. The first two rounds are meant to feel each other out once again slowly building up the pace. Once it's all over I promise you won't regret it and have a lot of fun.

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Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Combine Compound AND Isolated Movements for Best Results

As I have written in the past, I am a huge advocate for compound movements when doing strength training. Why? Because I used to spend 5 days a week weight training and 3-4 days training my actual sport. See the problem? Using compound movements, I have been able to gain strength with minimal time spent in the gym, as low as two times a week. Before we go on here is some basic terminology:

Compound exercise 

A multi-joint exercise that stimulates the use of multiple muscles or muscle groups. For example: my favorites are the bench press, squat, deadlift, pull-up, and military press. These exercises enable you to move much more weight, which in return usually translates to bigger strength gains related to the release of anabolic hormones and stimulating the recruitment of more muscle fibers versus that of an isolated lift.

Isolated Exercise

Even though they are never truly isolated, these exercises place emphasis on a single muscle. Such as a bicep curl, a tricep extension, or calf raise.

Sooooo why would I now say you should implement BOTH isolated and compound movements?

-Compound exercises still have a muscle that is the prime mover, depending on the regimen you have, certain muscles will not get the optimal amount of work.

-Adding isolated movements to your routine, with compound lifts as your core exercises, will increase hypertrophy.

-Working on isolated movements could improve the weak parts of your chain. For example glute bridges, or hip thrusts could improve your deadlift.

-Adding isolated exercises could help you break that plateau. Studies have shown that isolation movements create muscle adaptation different from compound movements. Yes you can vary the load, intensity and rest time of your big lifts, but adding these supportive exercises could benefit you when your numbers are stuck.

-Adding variety. I love deadlifts mmmm, if I can pick one exercise, the deadlift would take the number one spot on the podium. We definitely have a special relationship. Anyways.... changing up your routine is not only good for making new adaptations, but also to give you a new sense of excitement. There are so many lifts out there, some ugly, some pretty, some play hard to get, but they all need us to pick them up.

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Friday, September 19, 2014

Ab Workout for a Defined Core - Hypertrophy

If you currently have low body fat, but still are struggling to see your abs, weighted core work is an efficient way of increasing its size to make it look more prominent.
*Use a weight heavy enough to fall into the repetition range listed below.
*8-12 Reps Per Workout
*2-5 Sets Per Workout

-Weighted Rope Crunch (Superset A)
-Weighted Rope Crunch w/ Rotation (Superset A)
-Weighted Physio Ball Crunch (Superset B)
-Weighted Side Raise (Superset B)
-Weighted Leg Raises

2-3 Times per week *Listen to your body, at first, even once a week may be beneficial to your fitness. If your core is already conditioned you may need to increase the weight, intensity, or number of times per week that you train it.

Oh and remember....

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Monday, September 15, 2014

22 Interesting Things to Know About Thailand - Koh Phangan

  1. Eating Thai food is 4x-6x cheaper per meal than western food. *Thai food - 30-80 Baht per meal. *Western - 80-300 Baht per meal. *Make sure to eat where you see others eating, there's a reason for that..  
  2. Thai food is amazing, fresh, and most Thai restaurants will have the same exact dishes
  3. If you are a coffee person, this might be heart BREAKING. In most towns you won't be able to find real, freshly brewed coffee. The Thai's make NesCafe instant coffee and load it up with sugar. We were able to find one or two spots that served real espresso, but it's rare to see a coffee brewer. 
  4. English goes a long way on the southern islands and other tourist locations. If you have trouble communicating, try saying the same exact thing with a Thai accent, as weird as it sounds, it works...
  5. Make it simple, use the most important words when speaking to the Thais. Saying "May I please have a new towel," may sound nice, but it has too many words and becomes confusing. Simply say "clean towel," and that's all they will need to hear.
  6. Get a hold of a map wherever you are. There will always be taxis trying to bring you somewhere, but even asking the police for directions could sometimes be misleading. We almost missed our bus and got stuck in Bangkok because the officer pointed us in the completely opposite direction.
  7. Always have tissues with you, many bathrooms are not equipped with toilet paper... they will have a squat toilet and bucket, that's it. 
  8. The Thais are indestructible, they smoke pot and tobacco all day, drink the night before their fight, and still go out there to kick ass for five rounds. WTF?
  9. You will have a lizard in your room, but even if you have the worst fear of them, they are scared of you and will run out if you sweep them away. The small ones at least..... besides, they eat the annoying bugs in your room. 
  10. No one is alive in the morning, at least on the islands. Most restaurants and stores are not open until after 10 or 11AM. Even the ones serving "breakfast".
  11. Stray dogs are all over the place, streets, restaurants, stores, hotels. It's okay to feel sad, it's probably not okay to play with the ones foaming at the mouth. 
  12. Bug spray is a fucking must.
  13. When in doubt, take off your shoes when entering an establishment, and definitely before entering someone's house. 
  14. Don't expect to hear a God bless you if you sneeze. 
  15. Thailand is truly the land of smiles, and as long as you keep smiling everyone will be kind to you.
  16. Thai owned establishments close and open as they please, don't be surprised if you came at 9:00AM, had food on Monday, and they did not open until 1:00PM the following week.
  17. If you rent a scooter make sure it's from a friendly place, sometimes they won't even check it for damage upon return. Just for your insurance take pictures of every scratch and dent on the scooter before taking off. Oh, and they will take your passport as deposit that you get back when the scooter is returned. 
  18. Don't be afraid to wing it. You can't always plan everything ahead, or like us... you don't plan anything ahead. Accommodations in Thailand could be half of the price listed online if you get to your destination and barter with the resorts or hotels in the area.
  19. "Western food" sucks, plus when you can have a full noodle, rice, or protein dish for the same price of a small side of french fries, Thai food always wins.
  20. The legal drinking age is.... questionable. We have stayed on a party road in Bangkok and on the Southern islands, but wherever we have gone out to eat, no one was ever ID'd no matter how young they looked.. oh and the drinks are very strong.
  21. Bring a poncho with you, keep it in a bag or purse whenever it's a windy day or you know rain is in the forecast. Most of the time it pours like a monsoon, but 45 minutes later the sun comes out. 
  22. Have some damn fun, Muay Thai is for everyone, all shapes, colors and sizes. The trainers in Thailand know their shit and are just as good and patient with the beginners as anyone else. DO IT. GO. NOW. BOOK A TICKET.

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Saturday, September 13, 2014

Warrior's Cup XXI - PayPerView Rematch

So I am here now, sitting at Starbucks and writing this blog entry with 5 hours to go before the fights. The weigh ins went well, I made weight at the famous Apollon gym, the scale showing 177 lbs, I surprisingly was able to put on over 4 pounds in the last two weeks. My opponent was late and stuck in traffic which explains the lack of face off pictures. My anxiety level is about a 6 out of 10, which is fairly good because it's normally off the charts on the day of the fight. Knowing it's a rematch definitely adds excitement and pushes me to perform better. Having a team mate of mine Stergos competing against a tough opponent also helps to increase the team morale.

The event will be on Pay-Per-View for 14.99 if you go through this link:

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Thursday, September 11, 2014

Fight Log - The Day Before Weigh Ins - Warrior's Cup XXI

The day before weigh ins, always the most interesting day as a fighter in my opinion. Usually, a time I go from drowning myself in water to drying myself off of 6-12 lbs of weight in a bath or sauna. Being a fighter who normally walked around 185 lbs and competed at 175 lbs, I now walk around 175 lbs after spending a hot 5 weeks in Thailand, and sticking to a vegetarian diet for 3 months prior to that. The plan was to fight at 170 lbs when getting back to the states, however, an opportunity came knocking at the door at 178 lbs with no wiggle room. 

A rematch! My current record as a fighter is 8-1, so when the opportunity came... I knew I wanted the rematch to avenge my only loss to Brian Hansen. The first fight was a complete rollercoaster, when I first came in the ring I was missing my mouth guard, as my opponent made his entrance I put in my coaches mouth piece and called to my other corner to grab mine from my bag. The bell rang, we were trading low kicks until about a minute into the round, I ended up setting up a hard cross off of a double jab dropping Brian to the ground for a count. He quickly recovered and came back swinging, I knew I had the chance to finish him and did everything I could, landing knees and hard punches, until I rocked him with another hook as the bell rang to end the round. 

When I came back into my corner I was happy to hear "I have your mouthguard" from my other corner man, my trainer looked at me smiling, saying "It's almost over, he is hurt, but take 15 seconds, feel him out, and see how he recovered". As I got up and got the mouthguard put in place, I realized it was still the wrong one, my bag had both mine and my girlfriend's...and well with my luck it was my girlfriend's mouthpiece... impossible to bite. I ran out of the corner swinging for the kill and completely ignoring my corner's instructions, with my jaw hanging loose I got caught with a straight punch sending me stiff onto the canvas. I got up smiling thinking "this fight is crazy, I can't believe he dropped me after all of that", I tried to trade more punches and as I ducked under a hook the whole room spun in my head as I stumbled onto the ropes, to save me from getting knocked out the ref stopped the fight. I was impressed with how well Brian recovered, knowing how good and technical of a fight it was I was happier than ever to be a part of it.

Now I have the opportunity to do exactly what I did the first time, with more maturity and skill, I couldn't be any more excited. Normally, I am filled with anxiety as it becomes more and more real with the hours counting down. No matter what the result, I am positive it will be fireworks, an entertaining and clean fight. 

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Sunday, September 7, 2014

Finding YOUR Fitness Program

Finding the right fitness program may be the biggest obstacle between the couch and the gym for many people. The problem doesn't lie in there not being enough effective fitness programs, it actually lies in there being too much information available. No matter what your goal is, whether it is weight loss, mass gain, an increase in athletic performance, or just overall fitness, there are thousands and thousands of articles/websites full of information. One study might tell you bench pressing is a horrible exercise for your rotator cuff, the next will tell you it’s okay if done correctly, and the bro at the gym will tell you to do it 8 days a week. Below are short and easy to follow tips on how to choose the right program for you!

First, what is your goal? The way you train your body will differ depending on what your goal is. For example, sprinting should not be a big part of your training if you are looking to improve your endurance as a marathon runner. Search for programs specific to your goal.
Next, pick one! Chances are you still have a list of programs to choose from online, and they all have their own pitch. Follow the one that appeals to you, that looks FUN. Having a set routine gives you a sense of direction, and if you are currently just doing random exercises at the gym, any sense of direction will be good for you.

Then, stick to it! Don’t change it! And don’t let the haters hate! After going through numerous programs and learning various things in school, it makes me want to question and nitpick at these regimens. I want to keep the stuff I know works, and throw out what I personally do not like. But, in that case I never really tried the program! You will have people tell you, “nah that program doesn’t work I tried it”, well… no shit they switched up half of it, now they’re claiming it’s the program. I’m sorry… it’s not the program it’s you.

I know it seems rather simple, but I see that people often ignore these simple things, including myself. If you are the average gym goer, or the person on the couch looking for a sense of direction, just start, give it a fair shot, and see it through. If it doesn’t work, you take away what did work, and then add or subtract what you think is appropriate. ORRRRR, make it simple and just hire a trainer to take away all of the guess work and to keep track of your progress.

Here are links to some popular websites with various fitness programs and information.

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