Saturday, October 4, 2014

5 Reasons - Why you should fight in Thailand

During my stay in Thailand I was on a rollercoaster of emotions about fighting. First my technique was broken down to the point I thought I was starting over from the beginning, second I was not sure if I can compete with the Thais at their game. After speaking to various people and doing a lot of thinking, I have come up with a list of reasons why you should fight in Thailand.... no matter if you win or lose.

1. The quality of training that you get will be substantially better. When I announced to the trainers I am fighting, I was able to receive personal attention every day, pushed harder than normal, and spend more time with the trainers than those who were not competing. The trainers often make money by betting on you, so the better you are trained the more confident they will be with betting on you, it's a win-win.

2. You get paid. Fighting in the states, unless you are a professional, most often means you are paying to fight. In Thailand you will start getting payed around 3000 Baht for your first fight, and that number increases depending on how many fights you have and what kind of performance you put on. Also, if you are confident enough in yourself, you can bet on yourself.

3. It's an enlightening experience. It also could be a once in a lifetime chance to do it. Not many people have the time or finances to travel to Thailand every year, if the opportunity presents itself, take advantage of it. Being in that ring immerses you and enables you to have the full experience, the journey of training martial arts is all about testing yourself, the ultimate test takes place inside of the ring.

4. Win or Lose you will become a better fighter. You will understand the fight game more and from a different angle. Like I have written in my last couple blog posts, there are quite a few differences between fighting in the US and in Thailand. You will most likely face a difference challenge against an opponent with a different style. You WILL leave a better fighter whether you win or lose.

5. The whole experience is very relaxed, and most important of all...FUN. As some Thais fight on a weekly basis, it's just another part of their routine. The build up to the fight is almost non existent, the promotions take their time with setting everything up and the Wai Kru before every fight is not only beautiful, it is a time to calm your mind. The first two rounds are meant to feel each other out once again slowly building up the pace. Once it's all over I promise you won't regret it and have a lot of fun.

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