Monday, October 20, 2014

"Yes I'm a fighter. Yes I am cutting weight.. No, I dont want to go to the bar with you..."

So you want to fight... you train hard, learn as much as you can, and mentally try to prepare yourself for war. Then that moment finally arrives when you learn that you have an opponent, everything changes. Fight camp begins! Now, you turn up the heat! You train harder, learn more, spar more, eat better... and start cutting weight....

For a lot of people cutting weight is hardly a big deal. Sure, they cut out a few calories here and there, do a little  more conditioning, and just like that the weight falls off. But for other people, like myself, a weight cut is mentally taxing and quite honestly a form of torture.

Let me begin with the fact that I am a very healthy eater. I mean that, I am not one of those people who thinks that eating a salad at McDonald's with a coke and side of fries is considered healthy. I am gluten free and dairy free (by choice), and my diet consists of an abundance of leafy greens, colorful veggies, fruits, minimal starches, seafood, some other lean meats, and some healthy fats thrown in there for good measure. I cook 95% of my own food rather than buying premade or restaurant food. I don't believe in drinking soda (although I do find myself craving ginger ale once in a blue moon), I consume as much water as possible each day, I minimize my coffee intake, and I only drink on rare occasions. Overall, I have this healthy eating thing down on lock. So here begins my torture....

Cutting weight would be easy if I ate complete garbage all the time, just cut out the crap and eat real food. Unfortunately that is not the case for me. It comes down to the little tiny details in all my daily activities.
          Am I expending more calories than I am consuming? Is my sodium intake too high? Have I had enough water today? Did I manage to get the right amount of vitamins needed? Did I burn enough calories during that workout, or do I need to go back to the gym later?
When my success comes down to the tiny details of every meal, snack, and workout, things seems to get a little crazy. I mean, come on, I am only human!

Now, lets add life to the mix. Throw in a full time job at a restaurant (FOOOOOD), training, spending time with family, being at the "Going to bars and restaurants is the only way to hang out with your friends" age, and (insert scholarly ambition here). Talk about a struggle!

So below I have listed some things that anyone struggling to cut weight can relate to (I hope I'm not alone out there), and hopefully friends and family will read this and know what not to do during your fighters weight cut!

1. 3 weeks out from a fight, there is no need to ask me how much I weigh every single day...

2. Unless you are a nutrition guru, I do not need your diet advice. I got this, thanks anyways. 

3. I don't want to hear how amazing your 5 course dinner and wine tasting was last night, spare me the heartbreak.

4. Save me the lecture on how ridiculous you feel it is that I have to cut weight to fight someone, the choice has been made.

5. Don't be the guy to say "Its ok, you can eat it, I won't tell",  because I have weak will power sometimes, and if I end up eating it...  I will hate you later for it.

6. Just because I carry around a water jug, does not mean I am a body builder, don't ask me how much I bench!

7. I am not anti social, I am busy chasing a dream people!

8. Every meal is like gold to me, don't tarnish my treasure by telling me how boring my food looks compared to your lunch.

9. I am hungry, irritable, and tired. The last thing I want to do is be designated driver to a rowdy group of drunk people.

10. Most importantly, keep the negativity far away from me! When its getting down to the wire, the worst things to hear are negative remarks.

If you love your fighter, be considerate of the circumstances, and be supportive!!

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