Monday, August 18, 2014

Training in Thailand - Training Breakdown

Training in Thailand is much different from the states as most of you know. This is a short summary and breakdown of what a day of training is like in Thailand, specifically at Diamond Muay Thai, Koh Phangan island.

Warm up:
-45min jog
-15min of jumping rope with a heavy rope
    (Break, wrap hands and apply boxing oil)
-Stretch 10min      
-Two 5min rounds of shadowboxing
-5min of skip knees inside the boxing ring
-Depending on the trainer you get and their plan for the day it is always different, however, below is one of the most common training regimens. Number of rounds and kicks etc depends on your exp.          
- 3-5 Rounds x 5minutes of Padwork
- 3-5 Rounds x 5minutes of Bagwork
- 3-5 Rounds x 5minutes of Sparring
- 5-10min of Clinch Work
- 50-150 Kicks
- 50-100 Teeps
- 100-400 Knees
       *10 Push ups at the ending bell of every round
Cool Down:
- Core work (Can make up your own, or follow a simple routine of crunches, side crunches, and plank)
- 10 minutes of stretching

Watch the video below for a general example of a day in Thailand:

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-Written by Samantha Abrams&Paul Banasiak

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