Friday, August 22, 2014

Exciting News! Fighting - Thailand vs U.S. (Part 1)

Its officially our last week here in Thailand!

With that being said, we have some exciting news! It would be unlike us to come all this way, train this hard, and not go out with a bang!
We are ecstatic to announce that Paul is fighting on Sunday, the 24th here in Koh Phangan! Unfortunately we do not know too much about the match up other than his opponent is also a foreigner, seeing as it’s pretty impossible to find a Thai person who can match Paul’s height. It will be an amazing opportunity to see all of Paul’s hard work these past few weeks be put to the ultimate test!
For those of you who are not familiar with the differences between fights in the United States and fights in Thailand, here is a brief breakdown…

United States                                                                                                  Thailand

3 x 2 minute rounds                                                                                         5 x 3 minute rounds
1 minute break                                                                                                 2 minute break
A, B, C class rules vary                                                                                    All fights are pro full rules
A, B, C class “gear” vary                                                                                 No gear

The scoring systems also do vary. Punches are not as appealing to the judges as elbows and knees for example. I would put the order from the most to least effective as elbows, knees, kicks, and punches. The first two rounds are usually "feel out" rounds with no real effect on the scoring cards, unless a fighter clearly dominates their opponent. The audience has time to put down their bets, which are usually 1:1 odds (also at times skewing the judging). Rounds 3, 4, and 5 are the deciding rounds for the competitors. 

With that said, we will have much more input and experience once the fight is over. Part 2 will be up as soon as the 25th so keep a look out! Chok Dee (goodluck) to Paul! 

Oh and as a bonus here is me, Paul, and Sean Fagan getting soaked for the ice bucket challenge all the way in Thailand.

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-Written by Samantha Abrams & Paul Banasiak

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