Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Let's Go Natural!

Its time to talk about the Natural stuff...

Over the past several months Paul and I have been doing a lot of research on different diets and, supplements, and all natural ways to treat common illnesses. To my surprise this is a topic that I have become increasingly curious about and interested in. 
We have decided that there is no better way to learn about something than to try it!!

Have a little background story about me...

I have always struggled with my diet. In high school I found myself putting on quite a bit of weight and starting to have very bad anxiety. I did minimal research and decided to change up my diet to eat more veggies and fruits, and stop drinking juice and soda. That made me lose a bit of weight but it didn't make me feel any better, I still had no energy and anxiety out the wazoo! I began taking medication to treat anxiety about 3 years ago when I felt I had no other options. Over the course of the next several years I became a huge fitness enthusiast and learned a lot about health and wellness. I lost a ton of weight and got to know my body better than ever! I've learned that my body does not digest gluten very well, and by that I mean when I eat anything with gluten I look like I am 6 months pregnant. I have also discovered that my moods and energy levels are directly correlated to what I am putting in my body. Once I cut out gluten completely and started focusing on eating "clean" I felt my energy levels feeling better than ever! Although my weight is fluctuating, the only real unwavering aspect has been my anxiety, which I still take medication for. 

Fast forward to present day...

These days my diet is looking pretty good. I am gluten free, and for the most part dairy free (minus a few slip ups with my biggest weakness... ice cream). Besides that I eat mostly veggies and fruits, throw in a few carbs (maybe one meal with rice or quinoa) and then the occasional protein. Compared to the majority I would say I eat really well! With all of that being said I still notice that things do not feel 100%. I still get bloated and have issues with my stomach, my weight still fluctuates as well, and to top all of that off my anxiety is still not under control without medications. So I have finally decided to do something about it...

Here's my plan: Vitamin therapy & going Vegetarian... kinda

So much of what I am learning about health and wellness revolves around the human body's ability to heal itself. As long as we can provide our body the appropriate amount of nutrients, there is no reason that we shouldn't feel great every day. 
I have had a growing interest in vitamin therapy for some time now, but it was not until watching the documentary Food Matters that I decided to take a leap of faith and try to cure my anxiety without medication. Studies show that Niacin (commonly known as B3) has the ability to greatly reduce anxiety and depression. I am no scientist, but from all my reading I have come to understand the basics behind this theory. Niacin's ability to increase blood flow, reduce blood pressure, eliminate excess adrenaline, and regulate hormones can contribute to feelings of relaxation, and in turn decrease anxiety and depression. So an all natural way to reduce and possibly cure my anxiety?... How could I say no?  I will be periodically documenting how my new vitamin therapy is going, hopefully I'll be reporting good news!
Now, here is a little bit about my choice to go vegetarian.. sort of. When I began to have some interest in a vegetarian diet I slowly started to learn that there are many different kinds of "vegetarians". You have people who won't eat any animal products, or the people who will eat fish (also known as a pescetarian). I have made the decision to become a fish eating vegetarian myself. Now, Paul and I have done quite a bit of research on this topic and have learned some amazingly interesting facts about the meat we eat and its possible effect on the body. The meat packing industry here in the U.S.A.  has lowered its standards so much so that other countries won't accept our meat... that has to be saying something. I won't bore you or preach to you about all the terrible things that happen to these animals, or about the food that they are getting fed... I will simply leave that up to you to research and discover for yourself. BUT what I will tell you are some of the wonderful benefits of eating less meat!
1. Eating less fatty red meat reduces your chance for heart disease (the number one killer of women)
2. Lower your risk of cancer. Studies show that individuals who eat red and processed meat are more likely to have cancer. Hormones added to artificial feed of animals can in turn raise hormone levels in the individuals who consume said animal.
3. Reduce your allergens. It is proven that individuals who eat less meat, dairy, eggs and other animal products have fewer runny noses and less congestion.
4. Keep your hard earned muscles! Eating a diet rich in leafy greens, fruits, and vegetables can help prevent the onset of muscular degeneration.
5. Stay at a healthy weight. Many popular studies show that people with a diet that does not contain meat have a lower body mass index. (Usually an indicator of healthy weight and low body fat)
6. Have better hygiene! People who consume less animal products have healthier skin and hair, they also produce less body odor and have better smelling breath!
7. Have more energy! One interesting fact I learned is that our bodies attack processed foods as if they are a virus or infection by sending white blood cells to attack it.  Having a diet that is 51% or more of raw foods will allow your body to naturally level out hormones as well as use its energy for processes and activities that matter.
Now these are just a few of the reasons I have decided to give this a try, I will be sure to keep you posted on how it is going for me and Paul!

Wish us luck!

Once again keep in check as we will be posting weekly if not daily.

Follow us on facebook for current blog posts and updates:

-Written by Samantha Abrams

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Training and Recovery: What Is Your Method? (Part 1)

Being in the fight game puts us in a whole new bracket when it comes to risk. I have always been a firm believer and often hypocrite in believing in prehab before rehab. Not always taking the best precautions I have ended up with knee surgery, multiple ankle sprains, and broken toes. Listed below are in my opinion the top 5 prehabilitation methods. What other recovery methods do you use?


1. Warm up - In my opinion the number one most important method of avoiding injury. Increasing core temperature and promoting circulation is crucial in delivering oxygen and nutrients to your musculoskeletal system. Most think of only the anatomical aspect of a warm-up, however, stimulating the nervous system is an equally important reason. I am not a morning person, and with that said... without jump roping before teaching class in the AM, I would never be able to get my brain going.

2. Start with the basics - simply the principle of progression. Before experiencing excessive soreness from minor muscle tear damage, easy yourself into the regimen, this will be easier for previously conditioned athletes, but the title should explain itself.

3. Liniment Oil - Great for relieving aches and pains. I use it to warm up my body before hard sparring sessions and fights. Great tool if you don't want to waste energy hopping around to keep warm in a cold locker room before an event. There are several types and brands, your local pharmacy will carry them, but most fighters use the oil imported from Thailand called Namman Boxing Liniment.

4. SMR (Foam Rolling) - Say goodbye to mostly all of your knots and tight spots located in the muscle tissue, and I'm sure you will feel it is saying FUCK YOU back as you get it out. Foam rolling has recently become a very popular form of both PREHAB and REHAB also known as self-myofascial release. Awesome tool for improving flexibility, function, performance, and reducing injury.

5. Competent Coaching - I wouldn't say you're wrong if you argued this is the number one prehab method. No precautions that you take will help you if your trainer or coach isn't competent and can see your individual needs. A good trainer or even partner will effectively communicate with you to make sure you execute the technique correctly, keep you from creating future muscle imbalances, and give you accurate feedback.

Once again keep in check as we will be posting weekly if not daily.

Follow us on facebook for current blog posts and updates:

-Written by Paul Banasiak

Thursday, April 17, 2014

What To Expect

Our mission in this blog is to stimulate thought, to provide information, and to bring a community of like-minded people together. We will discuss and share our opinions on all things LIFE. We both believe life should be appreciated and treasured, most people miss out on the importance on why we are here. The purpose will be to stimulate thought with current information on fitness, nutrition, Muay Thai, MMA, and anything else we find interesting. Lets get creative.

Photo: Paul Banasiak

Now this doesn't mean it's the typical blog about, "You should do this, this way, because you read it here."
You will read about our opinions, in which we hope your's differ from or agree with, nonetheless, the purpose is to get you interested in the important or entertaining topics.

A quick breakdown of things to expect:
-Current Events
-Nutritional information
-Nutritional reviews (diets, supplements etc)
-Fitness (Routines, technique, how-to, fads, news)
-Muay Thai (News, fighters, how-to, local promotions, training)
-MMA (News, fighters, how to, local promotions, training)
-Fighter Interviews                  
-Life (Pretty obvious, covers it all)

Once again keep in check as we will be posting weekly if not daily.

Follow us on facebook for current blog posts and updates:

-Written by Paul Banasiak
-Photos By: Paul Banasiak

Saturday, April 12, 2014

About Us...(post by Sam)

So we've done it, we have finally decided to start a blog!

Here is our story... Paul&Sam

We are a young couple who met over 2 years ago at a gym. I was working as an Assistant Manager at the time, and Paul was a member. Every time he came in I tried to chat with him and get his attention, my plan did not work. But, after a few months of single word exchanges and minimal eye contact, he gave in. The rest is history.

Paul 21 year old student, trainer, waiter, fitness enthusiast, awesome cook, and amateur Muay Thai fighter. Paul is currently finishing up school to get his degree in Health and Exercise Science, as well as studying to get his Personal Training Certification through NASM. For 3 years Muay Thai has been his true passion. His love for the sport shows through all of his dedication and hard work both in and out of the ring. With an excellent amateur record of 6-1, he is just getting started and picking up steam in his fight career. 

Sam I am a 23 year old student, fitness lover, waitress, pretend model, DIY-er, and amateur Muay Thai fighter. Like Paul, I am in school for Health and Exercise Science, and also in the process of getting my Personal Training Certification. Most of my adult life has been spent managing various gyms and fitness facilities around CT, but my true passion lies in helping others through fitness. My second passion has become Muay Thai. I have been studying the art for roughly 1 year and thus far have had 2 fights, I am excited to continue training and see where this path leads.

-Written by Sam Abrams